Wednesday, 17 June 2015


GQ Magazine Influence

This my reconstruction of a David Gandy magazine cover that I was influenced of a similar cover from GQ Magazine, also my magazine influence in general. 

The reconstruction of the image into a magazine front cover has allowed myself to experiment in creating a professional and creative front cover to match the high standards of competitors such as GQ and Mens Fashion.

In addition, I have included sell lines on the left side of the cover to indicate the features of my magazine, showing the variety that my magazine contains.


The magazine I intend to create will solely focus on Men's fashion, mainly with celebrity appearances in the effort to establish star power to the magazine.

The reason for a magazine on Men's Fashion is to create a unique magazine of both celebrity and non-celebrity appearances to show the similar fashion styles of two different professions. This would show the uniqueness of the magazine and stand out from competitors such as GQ, also an influence of my intended magazine.

Typical conventions of the magazine will include interviews of the main image of the front cover as well as other individuals. Moreover, other features would include tips for fashion and also photos of celebrities and where the fashion they are wearing can be bought, to create a celebrity influence of the magazine.

In addition, potential content of the magazine would offer special editions focusing on fashion events or other events where men's fashion will have a certain focus on (i.e. Award Ceremonies etc.)

Monday, 15 June 2015

Magazine Brief

Magazine Brief

The first four pages from an original regional magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group to produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style), together with two of the following three options:
a radio advertisement for the magazine;
two hyperlinked pages from the magazine’s website; 
a billboard advertisement for the magazine.  

two hyperlinked pages from the magazine’s website; 
a billboard advertisement for the magazine. 

Reflection on AS Coursework

Through my Media Coursework in AS, I have developed my photoshop skills as well as photography skills. Overall, I was pleased with the font and colors I used in the coursework, making images stand out and look conventional.
Despite my progress, I believe that I could of improved in timekeeping of the coursework, having most of my blog posts published at the last minute. Moreover, I also feel that I could of improved the text of my front cover, DPS and my contents page, thinking that there was a low amount in comparison to high profile magazines of a similar genre.
I believe that I struggled with some quality of the coursework in some areas (i.e. blog) due to a rush in timekeeping, resulting in a lack of attention to detail. This time, I will learn from my mistakes and focus more on the quality of my coursework and also show more attention to my blog.