Friday, 11 December 2015

Article Draft

This is a draft of my article for my WIX website.

 The evening started off on a sombre note as the rockers walked on stage lit in the colours of the French flag, a day following the Paris Atacks. which jepordised the show taking place. After a minute’s silence, lead singer Dan Reynolds spoke emotionally on how the band was keen to bring music that “brings happiness and peace”. The band definitely reintroduced happiness in the emotional atmosphere as the crowd went wild from the first note of their upbeat  debut single, It’s Time. Songs from the new album, Smoke + Mirrors, Trouble and Shots were followed by a beautifully understated rendition of Forever Young, which was without a shadow of a doubt one of the many highlights of the evening. The emotion of the track and the crowd lead Reynolds to tears, highlighting his response to the selfless actions. Next up was I’m So Sorry – which was kicked off with a solo from lead guitarist Wayne Sermon– and Gold to bring a high volume of intensity in allignement to the rock vibes consstently given off. As the gig entered its final stages, the Grammy winners reached their top tracks. The emotion of the track and the crowd lead Reynolds to tears, highlighting his response to the selfless actions. Finally to end what was an impressive show, the band unleashed their most well-known electrfying hit. Radioactive, much to the approval of the audience who went into overshock with all souls in rhythm. After the encore of The Fall, the band walked into the  middle of the stage and took a bow as a sea of tissue paper leaves fell on the crowd. On reflection to the crowd, more than an ovation was deserved.

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