Monday, 26 October 2015

Blog Feedback

Deconstructions and Recreations –
·         Font ideas should be under Inspirations, please change label to create a new top tab.
·         Colour scheme see above
·         Generic conventions post great start, could you expand further please, please look at Ben Carter’s blog under further research for more ideas please.
·         Deconstructions overall please comment on how the task has helped you, what codes and conventions will you follow/challenge?
·         Flat plans should be under Flat Plans and Rationales, please re-label them
·         Rationales are not detailed enough please go to my blog for a reminder,, A2 coursework.  Please also make it clear how you will link in regional to your magazine, billboard and website in the rationales.
·         Where is your billboard recreation? As you have never completed a billboard before what have you learned from this activity? 

Magazine Influences –
·         How will you compete with this magazine? Be specific.
·         Good post on national v regional
·         Institutional logos, this post is about the magazine not the insitutions, they are Bauer and Emap. Please double check who publishes these magazines you have mentioned.
·         DPS influence – how does it influence you, be specific.
·         Moodboard, comment on how it helps you, what have you learned about front covers for men’s magazines.
·         Billboard deconstruction – but no deconstruction?

Model Organisation –
·         Location scout missing
·         Recce missing, see Moodle for the worksheet
·         Photoshoot planning worksheet missing, see Moodle for that worksheet
·         Weather reports only useful if you are going out on location
·         Comment on photos from photoshoot – which will you use and why, why are some not suitable.
·         Final costume, make up, hair and prop ideas on here too please
·         Organisation of model needs to be excellent, think how you could stretch you work a little further.

Potential Images –
·         Comment on these photos, why are they suitable, this should be under Inspirations please re-label.

Potential Target Audience –
·         Audience Profiles, WHY would they buy your magazine?
·         What have you learned from the reader profile that supports your design/content ideas?
·         There is a blog progress post in there, should be under time management.
·         Survey analysis – HOW does it help you? Explain.
·         There is a calendar for October in here should be under time management.
·         Target audience alphabet, this was a starter activity don’t include it
·         Post on media rich platform, please also remove this was a class activity.
·         Blog progress again not needed here but under time management

Inspirations – 
·         Need to create a tab on inspirations
·         Colour scheme ideas, narrow down final ideas and explain why it’s the best to use
·         Font ideas see above
·         Masthead name ideas as above
·         Costume, hair, make up, props ideas, could expand to look at pose and facial expressions
·         Websites, billboards and magazines – why do they inspire you


The deconstructions of my magazine influences have helped myself gather thought and insight into creating a sufficient and excellent magazine, competing with the likes of global brands such as GQ and Men's Health. Moreover, the deconstructions have helped with excelling with magazine features such as mastheads, tag lines, sell lines and headings.

Institutional Research

Institute Logos that I have considered include Bauer Media Group and Time Inc. UK. Both of these institutes were highly considered as they have previously and currently created magazines that can be seen to have similar criteria of my magazine as well as producing these magazines in similar target audiences as I intend to have.

How magazine will be regional

To make my magazine regional, I will use images from around the region, such as Newcastle and Sunderland, creating a regional theme. Furthermore, the magazine will also feature articles predominately about the local area, and interviews will be with local celebrities, unlike international figures in worldwide magazines in order to establish a constant region theme with the magazine.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Today's Tasks

To cover:
- Continue improving blog
- Restructure billboard layout
- Improve Contents Page

Monday, 19 October 2015


This lesson I have managed to complete my reader profile as well as create a colour palette which is to be published and finish off a calendar for time management.

Reader Profile

Today's Targets

- Flat Plans: 4 Magazine
                    1 Billboard
                    3 Website

- Rationale for each individual page:
 Composition Framing
 Shot size/angle

Behind the Scenes

Wednesday, 14 October 2015


This is one of the magazines that could be seen as my competition, this magazine would be my main competition as it is a regional lifestyle magazine within the same area of the magazine that I intend to create.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Font Ideas

Fonts I will consider will be used from DaFont, a website with free copyright fonts I used for my magazine last year. I will also take into account mainstream fonts such as Helvetica, Arial, Calibri and also Berlin Sans. These fonts will be considered as they are well known and recognised, creating the reader to acknowledge well known fonts and understand what they are.

Colour Schemes

Colours I intend to use will be predominantly masculine in alignment with the masculinity and male target audience of the magazine.

Differences of (Inter)National and Regional Magazines

Plan B

Should my intended photos for my magazine become unsaved or anything drastic, my back up plan will be to use photos from the upcoming photoshoot, so that there is still a good amount of dominant images in relation to the magazine. Furthermore, I also have a copy of the intended photos on my home computer so there is sufficient backup.

Resources Needed

Camera + Tripod - use for Target Audience Interview on 30th September 2015

Camera - use for photoshoot on 14th October 2015

Props (makeup, costume etc.) - use for photoshoot on 14th October 2015

Models - use for photoshoot on 14th October 2015

Consent Forms for Photoshoot

A consent slip was created so that there was sufficient consent of those I wanted to be involved in the photo shoot of my magazine. The consent slip was created in order to ensure that there was full commitment to the task ahead and that due to the people I wanted to join were under age 18, parental and self consent was needed.

Location Scout

These locations will be back up to my main magazine however I also have images from local restaurants and retailers that will feature in my magazine.

Audience Profile

Today's Targets

Photoshoot Planning
Location Scout
Weather Report
Final Shoot Ideas
- Facial expression
- Pose
- Costume/Hair/Makeup
- Shot Size
- Camera Angle

Friday, 9 October 2015

Photoshoot Planning

What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?
I am going to photograph myself with photos taken by a collection of friends using the studio at the same time.

What props will you need?
I will be using a camera borrowed from the college as well as a memory card to save the images.

How are you going to emphasise colour?
Lighting will be varied depending on the image quality.

Have you briefed your personnel/models?
I have briefed the person who will appear in my magazine and they have signed a consent slip giving permission for the image of them to be used.

Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
The shots I will take will be at the Sunderland University photo studio, parallel to my college campus.

Make-up? Costume?
There will be no additional make-up needed and the clothing will be casual.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Costume and Makeup

Costume used in the photoshoot will be more prioritised than the makeup. The costume will be used for the fashion section of the proposed magazine, thus leading to a heavy focus in fashion sense for the model in order to capture a professional look and emulate competing magazines such as GQ. Makeup will not be as focused as due to no makeup being used on the model.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


1.    Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where your photo shoot will take place (trailing cables/traffic/other objects)?

Some equipment may be hazardous due to electric use. Accidents could also be inevitable if ignorance occurs.

2.    What will you do to ensure these risks are minimised?

To reduce these risks, equipment used will be tested to see if they are safe to ensure maximum safety of the location.

3.    Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome of the photos? Have you allowed for this?


4.    Have you considered the background to your photos, particularly if taken outside? How will you ensure you will get the background you want?

Background lighting is possible if needed to emphasise the importance of the model.

5.    Have you considered lighting? What about the ‘problems’ of natural lighting, either outside, or streaming through a window? Will you need to use a flash? Have you considered reflective objects that might spoil the effect?

Flash will be used to extend image quality and to enhance the image, creating a more professional look on the model.
6.    Do you need permission to take photos in the place/venue you have in mind? 

An email has been sent to the manager of the studio asking for permission to use the studio.

7.    Do you need to book time in a room (eg the photography studio at Shiney)?   

An email was sent requesting a slotted time to use the studio.

8.    Are other people/crowds likely to be an issue for you? What have you done to ensure that it will not spoil the effect?

9.    Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends’ equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time? Plan B?

A camera from the college will be used and taken care of. In emergency purposes, a backup memory card will be used.
10. Finally, have you thought of every eventuality…?

 am confident that I can carry out an effective and careful photo shoot in order to create professional and quality images.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Reader Profile

  • Aged 18-24
  • Prefer GQ Magazine and others
  • Willing to pay at least £2-4 for a monthly magazine
  • Not interested in a regional magazine
  • Interested in Technology, Food and Lifestyle features 

Survey Results Analysis

The results of my survey indicate that all participants were aged between 18-24. Moreover, the majority read GQ, would pay £2-4 for a monthly magazine, mainly featuring food, technology and lifestyle. However, most would be interested in a magazine in general and not regional.

Target Audience Survey Results

Target Audience Survey Response

Media Targets - 05/10/15

Set targets on blogger
Collect stats from survey
Upload one completed survey
Create reader profile
Create 3/4 audience profiles
Upload interview
Blogger comment on TA research
Reflection on set targets

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Generic Conventions of Front Cover Deconstruction

Generic conventions of the front cover deconstruction includes the dominant image overlapping the mast head. Because GQ is one of the world's best known brands and logos, they do not need to worry about readers unaware of what magazine it is due to the high awareness of the logo. Moreover, the use of such prestige star power is also recognized by audiences due to the consistent use of celebrities.

The use of contrasting colours for the sell lines is also a generic convention. As the color of the front cover lightens, the colors of the sell lines become more darker in alignment with the reader to easily read the front cover.

Double Page Spread Deconstruction

Front Cover Deconstruction

Contents Page Deconstruction

Billboard Flat Plan

Billboard Rationale

The layout of the billboard will be restrictive yet follow similar conventions of inspirations. I feel the layout is sharp, crisp and modern, whilst demonstrating conventions to ensue professionalism throughout the layout. Due to my set target audience of young adults, the conventions will be rather formal and restricted. This layout also creates more extensive focus on the image rather than the text. With a billboard intentionally used for a quick glance, readers will have a better chance becoming attached to the billboard by viewing the image rather than read text. Although the text is concise, the image will leave a lasting impact than the text due to the presentation, professionalism and sharpness of the image. Additionally, other inspirations also tend to use little or no text at all and place all purpose on the image, done so to catch the reader's eye more and subsequently create more attention.
Billboard will be aimed to use 70/30% of Image:Text
Proposed Colour Scheme
As for colour, I will by sticking to a strict colour scheme. It will feature with very restrictive use of the slate grey, which will highlight the important engaging parts of billboard as well as incorporate a modern look. This grey colour should also convey a coolness, almost suggesting the topics my magazine covers are sharp and modern, as well as appeal more to my more masculine audience. 

A high calibre of vocabulary will be used to entice the reader and persuade the reader to realise the quality of the magazine yet also concise so the reader does not lose interest in the feature.

Font of the billboard will be bold and stand out to be effective of the reader to see clearly what entails. The layout will be spaced out so there is enough viewing yet also so that features and essential information is also viewed substantially.

Website Deconstruction

The use of masthead in the top left corner instantly signals what the magazine is called, contrary to where the masthead is placed on the magazine itself (top centre). The red font also makes the masthead stand out, gaining significant attention from the reader. The use of tabs for individuals website aspects also creates significance and makes the website look professional and crisp. The use of images are also sufficient. Not only do the images link to the article, but the target audience as well, The use of beer and fitness specifically apply to the stereotypical male, who the website aims to pursue. Furthermore, the main text of the articles are bold and large to gain attention. The text also varies in colour to stand out of various backgrounds to be clear and able to read.

Website Rationale

The masthead was set to appear in a similar position and size to the print based version of the magazine, to create a familiarity and sense of professionalism. However, due to complications, this could not be created and so the full name of the product was used instead. The masthead was also accompanied with text referring to the regional audience of the product, aligning with the background image.
Social network links were also incorporated within the homepage to modernise the page as well as interact with social media. This accompanied the navigation bar, placed at the top of the page. Although a plain black colour was the scheme of the bar, the colour along with gold text was a perfect combination to make the bar look professional and high quality. I also aim to introduce previews of the pages the reader is contemplating viewing to add to reader satisfaction.
The colour scheme used for this page was a mixture of black, grey and gold. The modern scheme was intended to enhance professionalism of the page and create a crisp view of the page. Although the scheme does not fully allure to my masculine target audience, it will however grasp some attention due to the modern and fresh style of the page, reaching out to the young adult section of my target audience.
Photos on the home page are also restricted. Only one image is used and that is the background image. The image is used rather well to enrich the regional look of the page and ensure where the product is aimed regionally. Furthermore, the image was used carefully in order to align with the colour scheme of the page so that the text and image combine well to make the page look professional and clear.

Hot Topics
The layout of this page was complex yet basic. The heading of the page was large and bold in order to stand out as it would be the first place of persuasion to read the page. Moreover, the page featured advertisements of local establishments to maintain a regional look of the product. In addition, this was repeated with the article model promoted via social network again to ensure authenticity of the page and the article.
Similar to the home page, social media links were again incorporated to enrich the social interactions of the product and enrich modernism. Furthermore, the use of the social links also aligned with the article of the page to ensure authenticity of the article. The text of the article was very broad and used multiple concepts such as pull quotes and bylines to enrich professionalism and authenticity. The vocabulary of the text was also suitable for the target audience and clear to read, again ensuring the article to be high quality. 
Unlike the home page, images on the page were used often to link to the article and the article model. The images did however become submissive to the text, allowing more focus held on the article. Moreover, the images aligned with the model and the article again maintaining authenticity and allowing the page to look professional whilst possessing high quality aspects. 

The layout of the third page was less complex than the preceding page and more basic. Similar to the Hot Topics page, the gold/black colour combination was again used with the heading to produce a clear view of the heading, displaying signs of high quality professionalism. 
Again, a variety of images were also used to align with the article and enrich authenticity. The low key lighting of the background image was essential in producing the crisp heading and maintaining a clear view of it. Furthermore, the use of images were chronological with the article to make the article consistent and the page high quality. 
The text of the article again broadened in vocabulary and was accurate to grasp the attention of a young adult audience. The text was very versatile with the page and article, going in depth to promote the article's purpose. This was again key in producing a high quality page and professional display. Furthermore, the use of pull quotes were key in promoting the purpose of the article and again enticed the audience.
The colour scheme of the page was slightly darker than the other two pages. A use of dark colours was used often yet the contrast of the sharp use of white in the text was a key strategy in making the text clear to read and make the page as a whole sharp and high quality.

Website Flat Plans

Home Page

Hot Topics 

Billboard Deconstruction

The billboard uses a selection of 4 images to emphasise the brand. The billboard is very simple and lacks text and colour, creating a problematic billboard in the process. However, the iconic brand rescues the billboard due to its international recognition. The logo is bold and clear on a contrasting background, making it more professional and readable in the process. Moreover, the images are lined well evenly, again making the billboard more professional. The body language of the models is very mysterious and content, creating a potential problem for the billboard and most audiences want to see cheerful and more open body language.

October Calendar

I have created a calendar to keep up to date with upcoming events involved with my coursework and ensure that Time Management is consistently updated.

Generic Conventions of Double Page Spread

Generic conventions of the dps page deconstruction rarely includes the magazine logo as it has already been established within the front cover and contents. Because the logos are some of the world's best known brands and logos, they do not need to worry about readers unaware of what magazine it is due to the high awareness of the logo. mages are equally sized to give equal attention and used to align with the article text however some are larger than others depending on level of interest in some text areas.

Generic Conventions of Contents Page

Generic conventions of the contents page deconstruction includes the magazine logos in smaller font, in order to give more attention to content features and because the magazine logo is already established on the front cover. Because the logos are some of the world's best known brands and logos, they do not need to worry about readers unaware of what magazine it is due to the high awareness of the logo. Moreover, the use of such prestige star power is also recognized by audiences due to the consistent use of celebrities. Images are equally sized to give equal attention and used to align with the articles.

As the color of the content page lightens, the colors of the sell lines become more darker in alignment with the reader to easily read the contents.