Friday, 9 October 2015

Photoshoot Planning

What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?
I am going to photograph myself with photos taken by a collection of friends using the studio at the same time.

What props will you need?
I will be using a camera borrowed from the college as well as a memory card to save the images.

How are you going to emphasise colour?
Lighting will be varied depending on the image quality.

Have you briefed your personnel/models?
I have briefed the person who will appear in my magazine and they have signed a consent slip giving permission for the image of them to be used.

Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
The shots I will take will be at the Sunderland University photo studio, parallel to my college campus.

Make-up? Costume?
There will be no additional make-up needed and the clothing will be casual.

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